Sunday, December 14, 2008

Difference Between Indian And Pakistani Wedding

milled Corn Masa

I Corn white hulled, and she caught an old challenge and stayed for a delicious arepas and of course hallacas a basis for more than native, spoke of working with milled CORN , as grandmothers times when there was no ground corn meal industrially precooked and packaged ready for export in the yellow bag provided, and that was by 1960!.

Here are some secrets that took the internet and what my grandmother explained to my grandmother and my mother as a child, yes you have to work a little but no more than when some of us take time to make sushi or paella at home, so get to work and to rescue this tradition:

For half a kilo of prepared dough you need:

  • 500 grams of white milled Corn (grain)

  • 2 or 3 liters of water

  • salt to taste

Steps for PREVIOUS day to prepare the dough:

  1. Clean a little corn of those spots that are not so pretty.

  2. Place in large pot covered with water twice

  3. Soak at least 12 hours.

Steps for cooking:

  1. Cooking corn soaked the day before to fire first and then top half, so that the pot receives heat evenly.

  2. If necessary, stir every once in a while to ensure that all the grains are cooked

  3. If the water evaporates, add more water, but hot.

  4. takes 45 min. 1 hour cooking, should be tender.

Steps to prepare the dough:

  1. Lower grains of fire and removed 1 / 4 or 1 / 2 of the hot cooking

  2. Refill the pot where the beans are cool enough water to cover

  3. Let there at least 4 hours to cool down.

  4. well
    Strain the liquid and drain the beans when you are kneading.

  5. In grain mill, grind the corn cooked and chilled;

  6. With the mass obtained, complete the kneading by hand, with a little salt and water, achieving a smooth texture !

Listo !; finalmente obtienes una muy blanca y de particular sabor masa para hacer arepas o con los cambios pertinentes, para hacer hallacas !

El molino para granos made in Colombia, asi como el maiz pilado blanco o amarillo no son tan dificiles de encontrar, y de veras pienso vale la pena tomarse el tiempo para esta experiencia, que en mi caso en este momento, ha sido muy importante. Gracias, y buen provecho.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Go Kart With Motorcycle Transmission


Time: 45 minutes.


18 slices of bread,

1 / 2 liter of milk, 2 eggs


sugar, flour


cinnamon ,



Preparación :

En un cazo se calienta la leche con cinco cucharadas de azúcar y un palo de canela; antes de que llegue a hervir se retira y se vierte sobre las rebanadas de pan dispuestas en una fuente, dejándolas en remojo por espacio de media hora.

Transcurrido este tiempo, se rebozan en harina y huevo batido y se fríen en abundante aceite caliente. Cuando estén doradas, se escurren y se pasan a una fuente, donde se espolvorean con azúcar y canela en polvo. Se sirven calientes, pudiendo adornarse con cordones de crema pastelera.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ottawa Civic Hospital Abortion Clinic

Aunque la idea original era empezar a practicar con la fruta Zapote , esta se maduró demasiado así que opté por un par de fieles Guayabas , con todo y piel.

The Panna Cotta is an Italian dessert of home-based cooked cream but can be recreated with fruits as in this case and until there is one that makes for a touch salty asparagus.

sweetener I used again and combined the cream with skim milk. This is my proposal.

Makes 4 servings Panna Cotta guavas, you need:

  • 2 medium ripe

  • 170ml whipping cream unsweetened , good quality

  • 150 ml of liquid milk

  • 5 to 7 packets of sweetener or white sugar equivalent

  • 6 grams of unflavored powdered gelatin

guavas Process to a puree; may require a little bit of water to help the processor, but not much. If you do not like the little seeds, remove them before processing, or strain. I left them.

addition, in a saucepan, over medium low heat bring the cream, 3 / 4 of liquid milk, sweetener or sugar and guava puree, and stir constantly without letting it boil for 10 minutes .

Remove from heat and add gelatin diluted with 1 / 4 part warm liquid milk, and pour to prevent lumps, stir to incorporate well.

List mixture, leave it becomes warm, and bring in a large bowl or individual to the refrigerator about 3 hours, I added a finite guava wheels at the bottom of each mold.

As for mashed also use yellow-green skin of guavas, the color pink was a little pale, but well defined flavor and a rich smooth texture (not too tight) and good aroma.

The guava , originally from America, is rich is vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron, in addition to its delicious flavor and versatility (jams, juices, helmets etc), so I chose, but the berries are also very good to accompany Panna Cotta or integrating a recreation of preparation.

Very simple, I hope you enjoy it.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Motorbike Driver Backrest

Guava Panna Cotta Chocolate Cupcakes with sweetener and Flaxseed Muffins

Cupcakes I made these chocolate milk in the first attempt to make Chocolate Volcano, the repeated, as were just like, write it down as a success.
are prepared with chocolate milk without sugar, Chocolates El Rey with the exquisite Venezuelan cocoa.
This chocolate is sweetened with Maltitol, a type of sweetener, and although there are some nuances that make their use and you can read here is an alternative for sugar-craving and provides a rich flavor and texture.
Cupcakes For 3 chocolate milk is needed:
  • 40 grs. milk chocolate
  • 40 grs.
  • 15 ml.
  • 40 grs. common wheat flour 1
  • whole egg 1 egg yolk
  • 15 grs. cocoa powder
  • 3 packets of sweetener suitable for cooking
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt vanilla
  • lemon zest
First, in a double boiler, melt chocolate milk and butter. Let come to room temperature or cool.
now have to beat the whole egg, egg yolk, sweetener, vanilla extract, and pinch of salt until creamy texture.
Integrating the melted chocolate and the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder, previously sieved.
Finally, add the lemon zest, and cream with the spatula.
List mixture.
Bake in pans previously Cupcakes greased and floured, and fill about 2 / 3 parts.
cooking at 180C for 15 minutes or until they rise and take bark. Should be fluffy and soft. Inside, slightly creamy.
very rich despite having no sugar.
As Chocolate Volcano, that is for another attempt.
Bon appetit.

Friday, November 14, 2008

6 Parts Of Fish Brain

Time: 2 hours.


1 / 2 kg. chickpeas,

1 / 2 kg. Spinach,

1 onion,

2 cloves garlic, saffron


tomato sauce,

oil, salt




After soaking the beans overnight, bring to a boil with the bay leaf. When almost ready, add the well washed and chopped spinach. Meanwhile, saute in a frying the chopped onion and garlic, add a final touch of saffron and 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce. Pour contents of skillet to the casserole, add salt and let it eat the broth a quarter of an hour, until very little. Serve hot, garnishing the dish with slices of boiled egg if desired.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nausea And Bloating Before Period

.... More tips for cooks

The Flax this fashion, is that with so many qualities is understandable!,

This Muffin is a proposal to include Flax in our diet, I hope to make you like it, it is combined with oats, fruits and spices,

Makes 6 Muffins Linseed, oats and fruit , you need:

  • 4 tablespoons of ground flaxseed

  • 1 / 2 cup filtered water

  • 2 eggs

  • 5 packets of sweetener or white sugar equivalent

  • 3 tablespoons butter

  • instant oatmeal 1 tablespoon (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal

  • 1 tablespoon white flour of common wheat

  • vanilla cinnamon

  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 / 3 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (optional)

  • dried pears or other fruit to taste

  • pinch of salt

first thing is to hydrate the seeds of Flax at least 10 minutes in hot water or a little more than lukewarm to this place it in a cup and cover it with water. Set aside.

now well integrated instant oatmeal (but if not, you can replace with oatmeal or wheat, which is to preserve the proportion importate), oatmeal, wheat flour, baking powder, sweetener or sugar, and cocoa, have separate, closely united.

In a bowl, add the hydrated flaxseed, eggs, butter cream, vanilla, cinnamon and pinch of salt and integrate the dry mix you did before, stir well with a spatula trying to be an airy batter.

Test mixing and grinding of sweetener or sugar, cinnamon scents to your liking. List, is a little thicker than point letter.

Bake in greased muffin muffin, including pears or fruit slices chosen when you are filling the mold, and finally as a topping, and bake in water bath 35 minutes at 180C, after that time off the oven and let stand another 5 minutes in there. They are ready when you introduce a stick of wood and dry leaves.

Let warm to unmold. Especially warm rich, you can keep in the fridge and then give a tap oven before eating.

Why the FLAX ?, These are some of its nutritional benefits:

  1. Omega 3 oil , even more than similar servings of vegetables or fish, helping our cardiovascular system.

  2. Rica
  3. fiber, which aids digestion, and even helps improve blood sugar levels.

  4. Rica
  5. proteins, being about 30 grams a healthy inclusion in the daily intake, of course, check with your doctor as this is a quality, not a tip!

  6. Rich in oil essential in scientific research are covered anticancer powers.

  7. Rican flavor and texture and price solidarity, if not enough of the above!

best is said to consume ground, although the whole and thus used was hydrated before.

I hope you enjoy the muffins. Bon appetit. !

Saturday, November 8, 2008

When Coughing With Laryngitis Hurts

TV ...: GIS

... To close the three entrances to what can be learned watching the TV chefs, I leave these notes with their unbeatable combinations and proportions of success sure!
So, here are more tips of TV chefs for a taste that appeals to everyone ... or almost all:

  1. Chocolate and nuts, under the premise Narda Lepes built desserts, as the Chocolate Volcano more cooking time (15 minutes) but with chocolate center is volcano effect ensures that when you break it with a spoon!.
  2. When choosing herbs must balance the flavor with the food to cook eg Chicken and tarragon , Lamb and rosemary , pumpkin and thyme , Pork and oregano , proposals will be safe, for example in Chef Michael Smith .
  3. gnochis with different flours or tubers : Donato Di Santis used not only common wheat flour and ricotta cheese, but rice flour, mashed sweet potatoes and even beets. Just do not boil the tuber but the steam or oven cooking. The proportion is 1 / 3 of flour. Achieves different textures and flavors power.
  4. nutmeg and bananas is a combination for dessert teacher Osvaldo Gross, and enhances the flavor of the fruit, which also binds to the chocolate and nuts. A test!.
  5. the pan to sear , Paulino Cruz uses only a little oil when it comes to meat, and more quantity yes it is fish or poultry.
  6. Masala and yogurt are a must for Sumito Estevez Hindu when recreating dishes like lamb masala , and balances the hot and spicy flavors and enhances the flavor of the meat.
  7. For English Chef José Andrés , the chickpeas are an essential pre-soaking in water and baking soda; night sufficient rest and then wash them under running water before cooking. Ah .. do not forget to remove impurities white while cooking. !
  8. Chicken + cooking time; critical for all Chef, and is that even in the program Hell's Kitchen with Chef Gordon Ramsey cost him the challenge to one of the participants it can even kill a diner with a raw chicken. Eye with that!
  9. Mashed Potatoes = Potato + Milk + butter cream: It Jorge Rausch get a creamy texture but chewy, mixing without exceeding ingredentes .
  10. Thaw shrimp is very easy, just enough place in a bowl with cold water and there regain their condition ready for use, this explains Donna Dooher.

Time to tap the wealth of knowledge we can achieve with the tv programs and their reps, but what matters more than taking notes is practice, and of course ... wrong is valid, then try again. I go to the kitchen, see you soon!.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ibm Think Pad T60 Audio

Lent Soup Cream of Asparagus Vichyssoise

Time: 45 minutes.


16 thick asparagus,

1 liter of milk,

1 teaspoon cornstarch,

1 teaspoon butter,

50 grams of cream,

pepper, salt



studs are cut to four or five inches from the tip and set aside.

Separately, make a sauce fry the flour with the butter. Then add the milk, season with salt and pepper and add the asparagus stalks. This mix is \u200b\u200bbrought to simmer for half an hour, taking care to remove with slotted spoon layer can be formed on the surface.

After cooking, grind and add the cream. Before serving, garnish with asparagus tips that were reserved.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Disappearing Af Like Cramps

Caracas 2008 ... my notes!

An exciting day between Chocolate, our fruit Verrines ..... Tea value from Maracaibo ... Pinot Grigio and from San Juan, Argentina, not to mention Merlin and Sunday, ... the IEPAN and The Chef Du Casseroule ... all this on my birthday in the VII International Exhibition of Food SIG Caracas 2008, Male and Female.

Much to tell, in this note, some tips of the 3 papers I chose for my visit last day of the event, but the thrill of being there ... is truly something that everyone should live and qualify ....:

1. The Chocolate has sex : Wendy Lopez gave a kind of Warm chocolate , which by now I try however, his warning very important to choose the right chocolate for the dish you are going to do, and they say, easy, for example, consider the wording fat milk and check it or not.

As an example, for Chupeta Chocolate Bread, covered with chocolate, she wears Mahogany Chocolate coverage, as it seeks a mixture fluid.

If you want something more fat, use apamate , and it is less fatty ... Gran Saman used. There he refers not to make them more or less bitter, because they are just bitter, but refers to its cocoa butter added.

The point is clear:

Know that provides a product quality preparation, and on that basis, we shall choose what best suits the finish, texture or flavor that is sought !, and of course THISIS only applies to chocolate.

For his part, Juan Carlos Bruzual , Director of IEPAN made Chocolate Bread by hand, using the type Natural Criollo, because I wanted to go tripping free chocolate mass, ie less fat.

To complete formula, place the chocolate in the fridge before integrating it into the final kneading. Very good.

2. Verrines .... with that exquisite name we could not expect less than an exquisite Rhubarb jam, this beautiful vegetables available in markets with sugar delights us with his tone acid.

Verrines ... or new tendendia of pastry, whose name comes from the French to set the glass, we can see and enjoy not only the taste, textures and flavors of the dessert, a strength of the paper by Walter .

Verrines ... of Tiramisu. and finally Zapote light cream and chocolate cream and chestnuts, with passion fruit coulis, a whole world of flavor in a cup .... sarrapia crowned ... from the city of Puerto Ordaz to the world, and is that this cute tonka beans, aromatic and intense ... is ours!

The point is clear:

For Walter, you must go to MARKET their tastes and discover beyond what we see in the supermarket all day. !

3. To say goodbye, a glass Pinot Grigio of that Bodegas Graffignia soon introduce to Venezuela from San Juan, Argentina. This white floral nose, fruity palate with nice dry finish, with its pale yellow and green notes, comes from this strain of ink skin and white flesh, not wood or friend of the guard. I wait with fond memories, I loved it.

The point is clear?

should be open to new emotions and do not miss the new proposals from the powerful Argentina on wines, because even with their special Malbec and Torrontes ... Pinot Grigio is now!.

There is more to discuss, as Kepein Tea and Salad, and new products Paisa, capybara and spider monkeys ... Cocuy Pecayero .... and more, but will bring it later when you begin to practice what I saw, or at least try.


Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Get A Bikini On Poptropica


Time: 35 minutes.


1 / 2 kilo of potatoes, 4 leeks

not very large,

200 grams fresh cream

1 liter of milk salt


potatoes, peeled and cut into slices, put in a pan with butter, milk and leek clean and cut in small pieces. Seasoned of sal y se deja cocer.

Una vez esté todo cocido, lo que supondrá aproximadamente media hora, se pasa por el pasapuré y se le agrega la nata.

La vichyssoise se deja en la nevera y se sirve fría. Si quedase demasiado espesa, se le puede añadir algo más de leche.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How To Make A Plant Replica

Tiempo : 45 minutos


3/4 de kg. de carne picada de cerdo y vaca,

2 dientes de ajo,

pan rallado,

1 cebolla mediana,

1 ramito parsley, 2 eggs


2 ripe tomatoes,


flour, oil




In a large bowl, place the onion. Grate the onion on a plate and pour the Mital it over the meat. Also add the meat three tablespoons bread crumbs, two eggs, chopped parsley, chopped garlic and a teaspoon of salt. Mix by inverting with a spoon and fork, not too big into balls, pressing them with your hands so you do not fall apart. Rebócelas in more bread grated and set aside.

Heat a large frying pan with a finger oil. Fry meatballs in it, keep it from sticking together, and remove to a pan, side by side. Remove some oil from the pan, and saute the onions in it. Before it is browned, add two sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes and machéquelo with a fork while frying. Add a teaspoon of flour in 2 to 3 minutes and stir to mix well. When the sauce is smooth, pour a glass of water and bring to boil. Then pour the contents of the skillet over meatballs, also throwing a bay leaf and let boil for 15 minutes.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Personal Experience Of Laparotomy

Cambur Bread: Easier impossible!

This is a very easy banana bread or banana . Could be considered a cake inclusive; had some overripe bananas, so as to lose? I made this bread.
This is the way to do it using sweetener although the banana is very sweet, I will not add sugar:
For banana bread small, you need:
  • 3 or 4 ripe bananas 350 gr
  • common wheat flour
  • 1 or 2 whole eggs
  • 1 / 4 cup canola oil or sunflower
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 7 packets of sweetener or equivalent
  • sugar raisins (optional)
  • Ron or other liquor (optional)
  • pinch of salt pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 / 8 cup water
  • filtered

All in bowl, first the dry, like flour, sweetener or sugar, baking powder, baking soda, nutmeg, salt, and mashed bananas and mix. Then integrate

not dry, like eggs, oil, little water, and finish with raisins, which have previously rested on Ron.

That is all the mixture has a certain consistency, but is not liquid, and knead, just use a spatula is sufficient. The

of nutmeg I took the master Osvaldo Gross, who gives a combination of nutmeg and banana as missed.

Bake in greased pudding mold with oil, and if you think that you can paste, flour it well. 60 minutes at 180C.

Ready, very good and easy ... impossible. Bon appetit.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Boat Shaped Invitations

Meatballs turkey fillets with mushrooms and rice salad

Time: 15 minutes.


450 grams of turkey fillets,

350 grams sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms,

1 cup of yogurt, rice


5 or 6 cloves garlic, parsley


pepper, salt



turkey fillets, cleaned and chopped mushrooms and chopped garlic, peeled and put in a bowl large microwave-safe. The vessel is covered with adhesive plastic and placed in the microwave, connected to 100 € from power for seven to nine minutes, or until turkey is tender, stirring occasionally.

After this time, add the yogurt and chopped parsley and season with salt and pepper to taste. Finally, sprinkle with more chopped parsley and serve at once, with white rice.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Denise Milani Niples Slip

Time: 20 minutes


100 grams of rice,

a bay leaf,

two boiled eggs, two tomatoes


a can of anchovies,

six mushrooms, salt



Put the fire a pot with water, salt and bay leaf. When water boils, pour in the rice to cook for fifteen minutes. Then pour the contents of the pot hole on a fine strainer and chill the rice under running water. While rice is cooking, prepare the other ingredients. Wash tomatoes and remove the hardest part. Cut mushrooms and wash their earthy base very well. Pique on a deep dish of boiled eggs, one of tomatoes and mushrooms, thinly latter. Pour into blender jar from the other tomato with anchovies least two of them, and their oil, crush until a paste. When the rice is ready, add it to the source, all lines up with the sauce and stir well done. Decorate the salad by making a cross between the two reserved anchovies, refrigerate a few minutes and serve at the table.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Zit On Lip Line Swollen

anchovy lamb chops grilled marinated partridge

Time: 15 minutes.


12 lamb chops,


pepper, salt



Spread the ribs on both sides with a little oil,

Place in the oven BBQ background wide enough to have the ribs in a single layer. Set the oven at maximum power and leave the fund for 6 minutes. After this time, have a circle and quickly, the ribs with the host in the middle. Enter the dish in the oven, always set to maximum power, and cook the ribs for 10 minutes turning them into half cooked.

After grilling, season and serve with, if they develop, with salad.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test After Ivf

Another 10 tips for cooks of television

In this second part , another 10 tips TV chefs, but this time based on what I learned to see them in their programs:

  1. Take the local and seasonal ingredients ; your favorite cookies (such as panelitas ) can be the base of a cheesecake with fruit syrup, and spices and seeds everyday, roasted and ground ... be the crust for a hamburger. Narda Sumito Lepes and Estevez.
  2. The homemade mayonnaise: if you add a tablespoon of water while integrating the oil, success is guaranteed. Paulino Cruz.
  3. know that leaves fries are ready when stop playing and bubble in the oil. Sumito Estevez.
  4. always let you stand pasta dough at least 30 minutes in refrigerator in plastic wrap. Ennio Ennio at al Dente.
  5. Al crush the garlic can add salt, this makes it easier to turn them into a paste of garlic and awakens your taste. Donna Dooher (The Cookworks)
  6. In the kitchen ... less is more, hence, no hide the natural flavor of products, not pretentious or doing dishes with names nobody can pronounce!. Gordon Ramsay.
  7. To prevent the sauce Bearnaise cut, you add a tablespoon of water per egg yolk. Jorge Rausch.
  8. If you want to do is add the onion, then NOT add salt during cooking , but to achieve the expected point. Narda Lepes.
  9. Whenever cuts the dough to make bread , have to let it rest, this will allow after the bread is well-structured form . Bruno and Olivier, Boulangerie.
  10. Al cooking liquor (wine, beer, etc.) must be let the alcohol evaporate in the preparation, so left alone taste and aroma. Chef All say!

Each one can take from each program that best suits your kitchen or level of knowledge, but the important thing is to take something , Practice, not just a passive spectator.

I do not think that is a compliment to one of the TV chefs that only reaches its audience to take note of the recipe to say " I know how to do " or " when some days made this recipe . "

Sure, it's my way of looking at these programs, and these 10 tips other TV chefs , I have tested in my kitchen weekend and it was time to pass to my notes!.

I'm still working for the third installment on this topic.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

1980's Inflatable Baby Walker

Ricotta Muffins with fresh fig sauce

This is a dessert all cloying, and you can make ahead and keep in the refrigerator.

I made a variation of Ricotta Soufflé and Marmalade Fresh Figs, is very good and easy.

For 6 Ricotta Muffins, and you can do just to subtract savory sugar and integrate some other flavor such as herbs, pepper and spices, need:

  • 80 gr. common wheat flour
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder 200 gr
  • . Ricotta cheese 3 eggs
  • a lemon
  • 7 packets of sweetener or white sugar equivalent
  • 1 / 2 cup milk (or cream)

In a clean bowl, take the egg whites Snow and reserve.

In another clean bowl, cream the yolks and sweetener or sugar, when a lighter color, to incorporate the ricotta, milk or cream, flour, baking powder and lemon zest, well blended. Moment

add a clear envelope, and try to rectify sugar or lemon. Mix list.

It takes custard baked in greased, filled to 2 / 3 parts baking at 160C for 30 to 35 min. It is fluff!. Remember the tips to make soufflé (see Ricotta Soufflé).

For sweet sauce Fresh Figs needed:

200 ml of filtered water

150 g of fresh figs

7 packets of sweetener or
sugar equivalent

juice of 1 lemon

3 tablespoons rum or brandy

1 / 4 tablespoon of butter.

the figs and along the water, butter and sweetener or sugar, bring to medium heat until tender. Time
processing or blending. Bring back the fire but this time too low to reduce, when it begins to take consistency, add the liqueur and lemon juice. Try to rectify sugar or lemon, and reduce until you have the desired thickness.

If you cook a lot with the lemon flavor becomes a little bitter. Book in a refrigerator.

To serve, you can soak the Muffin with fig sauce and this is placed next to, or mirror-like sauce and top the muffin.

can integrate some crunchy element to the game textures, could be a praline, but I made it simple ... Muffin and Salsa.

Very rich. Bon appetit. !

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Wall Color Goes With Red Furniture

Time: 45 minutes .


4 partridges,

4 carrots,

2 tablespoons dry white wine 1 lemon


1 large onion, 2 cloves


1 teaspoon herbs to taste,



3 tablespoons oil, salt



partridges, once clean, wash, dry and season with salt and pepper to taste.

then enters a bay leaf inside each one of them, are placed in a bowl suitable for microwave and pour over them the wine mixed with six tablespoons of vinegar, oil, peeled carrots and sliced, lemon juice, onion rings, garlic steak, and the teaspoon with the herbs you want. The container lid adhesive plastic and placed in a microwave oven, connected to 100% power for 15 minutes.

After this time, turn the meat, cover again and continue cooking for another 12 minutes. This dish is served cold, and even better overnight.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Community Service Reference Letter Completed

Time: 20 minutes .


6 eggs,

1 can of rolled anchovies,

1 can of olives,

1 small can pimentos,




Boil eggs for 15 minutes. Once cooled, they are peeled and cut into disks of an inch thick. Each disc was placed on a square of bread, putting up a little egg mayonnaise, on a ring of pepper mayonnaise and, like a crown, an anchovy with an olive.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Snowmobile In Box Of Truck


Time: 25 minutes.

Ingredients: 6 eggs


5 tablespoons sugar,

6 small glasses of milk, caramel

Development: We

milk on the fire, we turn it off before starting to cook. We slowly adding sugar. On the other hand, beat the eggs, and mix with too little milk.

flanera put in a candy, and put the milk slowly so the caramel will raise the fund.

can curdle the custard in the microwave, oven or water bath. In the latter case, we have cover of pan so that no water in the custard to boil.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Trunk Leak 1997 Staurn Sc2

Time: 25 minutes.



grated cheese,

1 / 2 kilo of potatoes,

1 / 4 kilo of green beans,

2 cloves garlic,

oil, salt


Clean and cut into small pieces, green beans and potatoes are put to boil in a pan of boiling water, a splash of oil and salt. Cook left until the potatoes fall apart, the work can be completed with a fork. Add the garlic mashed with a little water and adjust salt.

Separately, soups have cut as thin as possible in a bowl, over which pour the mixture of beans and potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and served hot.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Antifreeze Boiling In Overflow

yolks thick soup Santa Teresa

Time: 20 minutes.

Ingredients: 8 egg yolks


200 grams of sugar, lemon


Preparation :

in a container other than aluminum Beat the yolks with a wooden spoon, add the sugar, half a lemon zest and juice. Once well blended, it is necessary to mold the pads to take small portions of pasta.

yolks are cooked for a few minutes in the oven at low temperature. When cool, placed in capsules of paper and serve.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How Many Calories In A Packet Of Cheese Mckoys

Time: 1 hour 40 minutes.


1 / 2 kilo of rice,

1 lobster 1 kilo,

1 head, 1 head


1 / 4 kilo of tomatoes,

1 small can pimentos,

1 / 2 onion,

3 cloves garlic

1 / 2 bay leaf,

parsley 1 large sheet,

1 / 2 teaspoon paprika,

1 / 2 teaspoon white pepper, saffron


oil, salt


In a saucepan with two liters of water are put into the fire for one hour the heads of anglerfish and hake, onion, a clove of garlic, bay leaf and parsley. After this time, measure the broth, which must be twice as rice, strained reserves.

Lobster, starting in the middle and clean, cut into about 12 pieces and pasta, not ends, cut in half.

In a paella pan or large casserole with oil to fry the lobster for 10 minutes, stirring frequently until browned. Then added two cloves of garlic until golden, bell pepper and tomatoes peeled and chopped giblets. Is solved for three minutes and add the rice, fry whole time. In stock hot, a little saffron, pepper and salt, cook over high heat five minutes, and 10 others over moderate heat.

Finally, remove from heat, let stand five minutes and passed to a source, adorning the sides with pepper strips.

Monday, June 16, 2008

All Clad Fondue Pot Manual

Rice with lobster omelette salad vegetables

Time: 45 minutes.

Ingredients: 6 eggs


1 pepper,

2 cloves garlic,

1 zucchini, 1 eggplant


2 tomatoes,

oil and salt.

Development :

Peel eggplant and zucchini, then cut them into thin strips and short. Rehóguelas Calienes oil until it just starts to brown and remove from heat. Saute tomatoes now matches later into small pieces and attach them to the dish where the vegetables and fried reserved.

Do the same with diced peppers. Beat eggs with minced garlic, and add the fried vegetables and add salt. Pour it all to the pan with little oil, and when fruit set on one side, flip it over using a plate to curdle the other side.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Getting Discharge Instead Of Period


Time: 35 minutes.


250 grams of flour,


175 grams of sugar,

1 lemon, butter


baking powder,

icing sugar.


in a suitable container get four whole eggs and two yolks, reserving whites to take advantage of remaining in another recipe. Then added sugar and a little grated lemon rind, beating all well until a foamy cream.

At this point, you add the beaten three tablespoons of water, flour mixed with a tablespoon of baking powder and 75 grams of melted butter. Stir well and when you have a homogeneous mass is cast into molds or custard cups not very small, previously buttered, with no filling.

Finally, enter the moderate oven for 15 minutes. Once cooked, deslmoldan and serve sprinkled with icing sugar. The punches may also be made without butter, but are more palatable to her.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bartender Pay In Strip Clubs

Time: 35 minutes.


2 red peppers,

1 small onion,

1 / 2 kilo of tomatoes, vinegar


oil and salt.


peppers are roasted, skinned them and cut into long narrow strips. The tomatoes are cut into thin slices, spread on a plate and sprinkle with salt, leaving them for about 15 minutes. After this time, peppers are placed in the center of a round serving plate, surrounded by tomatoes and in the outermost part, by thin slices of onion. In a bowl, beat oil and vinegar with a little fine salt, and this preparation was irrigated salad.