Monday, November 10, 2008

Nausea And Bloating Before Period

.... More tips for cooks

The Flax this fashion, is that with so many qualities is understandable!,

This Muffin is a proposal to include Flax in our diet, I hope to make you like it, it is combined with oats, fruits and spices,

Makes 6 Muffins Linseed, oats and fruit , you need:

  • 4 tablespoons of ground flaxseed

  • 1 / 2 cup filtered water

  • 2 eggs

  • 5 packets of sweetener or white sugar equivalent

  • 3 tablespoons butter

  • instant oatmeal 1 tablespoon (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal

  • 1 tablespoon white flour of common wheat

  • vanilla cinnamon

  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 / 3 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (optional)

  • dried pears or other fruit to taste

  • pinch of salt

first thing is to hydrate the seeds of Flax at least 10 minutes in hot water or a little more than lukewarm to this place it in a cup and cover it with water. Set aside.

now well integrated instant oatmeal (but if not, you can replace with oatmeal or wheat, which is to preserve the proportion importate), oatmeal, wheat flour, baking powder, sweetener or sugar, and cocoa, have separate, closely united.

In a bowl, add the hydrated flaxseed, eggs, butter cream, vanilla, cinnamon and pinch of salt and integrate the dry mix you did before, stir well with a spatula trying to be an airy batter.

Test mixing and grinding of sweetener or sugar, cinnamon scents to your liking. List, is a little thicker than point letter.

Bake in greased muffin muffin, including pears or fruit slices chosen when you are filling the mold, and finally as a topping, and bake in water bath 35 minutes at 180C, after that time off the oven and let stand another 5 minutes in there. They are ready when you introduce a stick of wood and dry leaves.

Let warm to unmold. Especially warm rich, you can keep in the fridge and then give a tap oven before eating.

Why the FLAX ?, These are some of its nutritional benefits:

  1. Omega 3 oil , even more than similar servings of vegetables or fish, helping our cardiovascular system.

  2. Rica
  3. fiber, which aids digestion, and even helps improve blood sugar levels.

  4. Rica
  5. proteins, being about 30 grams a healthy inclusion in the daily intake, of course, check with your doctor as this is a quality, not a tip!

  6. Rich in oil essential in scientific research are covered anticancer powers.

  7. Rican flavor and texture and price solidarity, if not enough of the above!

best is said to consume ground, although the whole and thus used was hydrated before.

I hope you enjoy the muffins. Bon appetit. !


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