Sunday, May 22, 2011
Can You Get A Skin Tag On Labia
This dish was one of the themed meals we do at home, this time it was Indian recipes, the recipes are in the blog:
chicken korma with aromatic rice, Vegetable Pakoras and Filling Dosa.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bluetooth Headphones For Gaming On Ps3
Last night, we wanted to see Hispania, I decided to plan dinner caps quickie bite to eat and without dirtying a lot. Prepared four varieties:
sole Canapé
confit Confit Fresh sole fillets cut up couch size, mount them on the bread spread with mayonnaise and I used some dried parsley over
brie cheese sandwich and tomato
Cut two slices of crustless bread into quarters and fill it with sliced \u200b\u200btomato and brie raff. We cap and a varied cheese gratin. Garnish with vegetables appetizer snack.
pickled partridge cover with mango vinaigrette and pine nuts
pechuguitas Crumble some pickled partridge in each bowl, chop some and add diced mango vinaigrette with pine nuts, balsamic vinegar and honey.
Cover cheese with anchovy Base
tomato sauce, cottage cheese and a good anchovy Santoña.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Pokemon Silver Master Balls
Sunday, May 15, 2011
How To Watch Kates Playground For Free
This recipe is copied from the blog "The Cabbage and Lettuce" caught my attention this recipe because I have a friend, Mae, when I was little, to go to film was bought a chocolate bar and a packet of millet (kikos) and took them both because he liked the combination of those flavors. So when I saw this nougat I remembered it, and surprisingly blends well enough, but the only thing you get is the texture, kikos are cuddly and that makes it uncomfortable to chew, do not know if it's because I did something wrong. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
for mold using a vacuum package quince
Monday, May 9, 2011
Indigestion Tablets Different Types
This recipe is copied from the blog "requetechupete Recipes" is a rich stew, my meat was a bit harsh I think it is because I had very little fire, but the flavor was very sabrocita, thanks for sharing the recipe, I did half of these amounts because we were only two, but I put the recipe recipe as it is in his blog. INGREDIENTS
- ky
- 1 through stewing beef
- 3 onions 3 cloves garlic 5 carrots
- 10 medium potatoes 8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 / 2 l
- Guinness 250 ml beef broth
- 4 tomates
- 2 hojas de laurel
- 4 cucharadas de harina de trigo
- Sal y pimienta negra (al gusto)
- Preparamos la carne. Salpimentamos y pasamos por harina. Reservamos.
- Pelamos los ajos y picamos muy finamente.
- Calentamos el aceite en añadimos el ajo y doramos un minuto a fuego lento.
- Cuando el ajo esté dorado echamos la carne. Marcamos los trozos de ternera hasta que queden bien dorados y veremos que empezará a soltar parte de su jugo. Retiramos la carne a un bol y reservamos.
- Picamos las cebollas en juliana, ie, elongated thin strips about 4 inches long and about the thickness as thin as possible (2 to 3 mm). Fry onions in same oil where doramos meat for about 10 minutes over low heat.
- Peel the potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. Cut the potatoes into cubes breaking them so that they release all their starch, carrots, sliced \u200b\u200bas thinly as possible and tomatoes into quarters.
- add first the onion, carrots and stir fry everything well with a wooden spoon, mixing the flavors. We cook the carrots for 5 minutes before adding the remaining ingredients.
- Enter the potatoes and stir everything together the ingredients and flavors. Add the tomato and repeat the process.
- When the sauce is golden add the chopped beef and Guinness cast. Add the bay leaves and salt and pepper rectify. Let reduce slightly, about 10-15 minutes over medium heat to remove part of alcohol and give the stew a touch sweet.
- top with the beef broth. We cooked over low heat until the liquid reduces and the meat is tender, about 2 hours. It is important to remove from time to time it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Army Medical Records Security Clearance
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Reduce Vibration Washing Machine
this recipe is taken from the blog "Gastronomia & Cia. Thanks for sharing the recipe . as such I put this in your blog, we use for a black chcolate to other milk chocolate cakes and others bathed in sliced \u200b\u200balmonds.
Ingredients 250 grams of ground almonds,
250 grams of icing sugar,
1 egg white,
the grated peel of two oranges
250 grams of chocolate fondant
Mix ground almonds with icing sugar, add egg white and orange peel. Knead until all ingredients are well combined and get a solid, malleable. Make a ball with the dough and wrap with plastic wrap. Let stand in refrigerator overnight.
After the rest of the marzipan , remove from refrigerator and divide into portions of approximately 20 grams, a ball with them or give them as you like, oval, pyramid, square ...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Kates Playground-strawberry Bikini
This is another of the candy we did at Christmas, the recipe is copied from the blog "Cooking with Love, Thanks for sharing the recipe.
INGREDIENTS 4 egg sugar 250 grams shredded coconut 300grm zest vanilla and a pinch of salt chocolate coating. PREPARATION
- We set the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt (very important)
- Poco a poco,le vamos añadiendo el azúcar,y el azúcar vainilla,con cuidado para que no se bajen.Y seguimos batiendo unos minutos mas.
- Incorporamos la raspadura de limón,pero ya sin la batidora
- Y el coco rayado,con movimientos envolventes.
- Dejamos reposar la masa,1 hora.(Esto lo hago para que el coco se hinche,y así,las bolitas sean mas compactas)
- También se hace ,sin dejar reposar la masa(que no es imprescindible),y saldrán también rich, but a little crushed.
- We pile, and bake about 15 minutes at 180 º.
- Once cool below bathed in chocolate.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Repairing Tarnished Mirror
This recipe was part of the assortment of Christmas cookies we made this year. This copied from the blog "Sweet Cotton", thanks for sharing the recipe. We doubled the recipe as usual but I put that which is its author in her blog. Ingredients
- 200 grs ground almonds 200 g icing sugar
- 2 tablespoons white wine, water, sweet wine
- 2 egg whites, lightly beaten
- a little lemon zest
- quince
In a bowl mix the ground almonds, sugar, two tablespoons of liquid and clear. We can start by adding half of the whites, to finish adding the rest if the mass is so required.
Let the whole mix, helping hands, until all ingredients are perfectly integrated. If the resulting mass is very hard, add more clear, and if the contrary is more squishy, \u200b\u200badd some more sugar.
let rest in a covered container with plastic wrap, at least a couple of hours before use. Is perfectly preserved in the refrigerator tightly covered.
marzipan ready now. Now we have just the desired shape
I pull the marzipan, which fill the quince paste and wrap it on itself, like a cylinder. so that once they are made taquitos.
with marzipan formed, we only brush with remaining egg mixture, arrange in a dish on baking paper and preheat oven to 180 degrees, bake unos 10 minutos o hasta que la superficie se ponga dorada.
Al retirarlos del horno espolvoreamos con azúcar glass y a disfrutarlos.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Daily Sport Countdown To 16
Esta receta la hizo mi hermana Joyce en Navidad, es muy facilita y queda realmente buena, la foto es malisima, porque no habia mucha luz y la saque con el movil.
un sorbete de limon de supermercado (en la seccion de los helados)
simplemente en un bol, poner el sorbete e ir echandole cava y removiendo con una cuchara, queda una textura cremosa, se reparte in glasses and go.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sleeping On A Sunfish Sailboat
This recipe is copied Carlos Arguiñano program, made my mother, I must say that surprised me the flavor that is so simple it is, we changed some ingredients do not put lettuce, served with the help of a mold as a starter in the Christmas Eve dinner in squares, with a layer of smoked salmon and a teaspoon of eggs, we loved. I recommend a starter or accompaniment.
Ingredients (4p.):
- - 2 avocados
- - 3 potatoes
- - 1-2
- tomatoes - 100 gr. of lettuce (not put)
- - 1 onion
- -
- 2 eggs - 2 tablespoons of trout eggs (I put smoked salmon)
- - water
- -
- vinegar - olive oil
- - salt
- -
Decorate the plate with chive oil and serve.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Kate Playground Foot Thing
That rich, rich, rich, has become my favorite chocolate cake. This cake was made by my sister Joyce end of the year, and loved, is a chocolate cake made of three layers: a rich biscuit base, another layer of nuttella (not Nutella, Nutella has to be) and a chocolate , is a dense chocolate cake, reminds me a little brownie but the flavor and texture, is even richer. The recipe is copied from the blog "Live to Palate" Many thanks for sharing the recipe and thank you very much for making it JOYCE. Strongly recommend, and one day to another is even more rich. INGREDIENTS
For the base:
- 115 g of butter plus a little more for greasing the pan,
- 175 gr of flour, 50 gr
- sugar.
- Nutella 150 g, 150 g
- chocolate with 60% cocoa,
- 150 g of butter, 1 egg
- ,
- 2 egg yolks
- 20 g sugar.
- some white chocolate, a bit of nutella and some toasted hazelnuts.
After about 20 minutes or half an hour in the fridge is already hard enough, then prepare the filling. We spread the base with the nutella. On the other hand mix the egg yolks and sugar. Without stirring vigorously to avoid introducing too much air. Furthermore
Melt chocolate with butter bath. I do this step in the microwave, putting the chocolate and butter in 30 seconds and stir until completely melted.
We combine the two mixtures and pour over the mold. Let stand about 15 minutes to allow any bubbles. And bake at 180 º C for 15 minutes in preheated oven though.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
How To Connect A External Harddrive To A Sony Tv
This recipe is copied from the blog "The Curious Spoon" is a cake that is made at a time, even use the electric beater, if not a barillas hand, only takes a meal , and takes no yeast, so it does not grow, reminds me of the Tarta de Santiago, one that is more humid and with a different flavor, is very rich in the recipe makes half is covered with pure cocoa powder, and the other half icing sugar in my house liked it more with sugar, is more fine, I substituted brandy for cuantro because they had, and I liked the result, plus double the amount as practically all the cakes we make. The amounts put BENT ARE YA. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe.
INGREDIENTS: 200 grams
of striped apple (two pieces).
200 grams of raw ground almonds.
4 eggs. 40 grams
of flour.
of 150 grams sugar.
Zest of 2 lemons . 4 tablespoons
of cognac / brandy. (I used cuantro)
Sugar glass. Cocoa
black powder.
Nuts. (did not)
- In a bowl whisk the eggs. We add the grated apples, sugar and zest of lemons, and 4 tablespoons of brandy, cognac or cuantro.
- We mix everything well.
- In another bowl mix the flour sifted with the grated almonds.
- Muddle content of the 2 vessels, and put in a greased pan or lined with baking paper, its content.
- We introduce in the preheated oven we will have 180 º C for 25 minutes.
- We let cool, then garnish with icing sugar and black cocoa powder (to my taste but I personalmete the icing sugar) as well as with caramelized walnuts (I did not use).
Monday, April 4, 2011
Inurl View.shtml Store
This recipe gave it a friend of my mother, is as traditionally prepared at home, we did it on Christmas Eve, the leg weighed about 10 kilos and bone, cheese very tasty. Thanks for the recipe. the amounts are eye because it depends on the size of the leg.
First is the marinade: garlic, olive oil, paprika, oregano, salt
leg soaks in the marinade and leave overnight.
next day pricked the leg and gets a clove of garlic into each hole, smeared with butter (not margarine) crushed and spread on flour, while the leg is smeared.
Preheat the oven to 200 º and gets a bowl or pan with water to create steam, when this happens is removed.
in the tray of the oven are: leeks, sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic, carrots, onions and feet with the skin side down, after a while, add a can of beer, and when given constradita turn, in total has to be about 2 hours, the skin is crispy and the sauce you get is beaten, if you are off a few pieces of carrot, onion and then add to sauce. It was awesome.
accompany it with some potatoes roasted peppers did Joyce.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Xterra Roof Rack Off Road Lights
Recipe is copied from the blog "My Sister's Kitchen" and coincidences of life, my sister did Radiel, I am very good, very easy to do, besides the contrast with the cocoa cake is very good, on another occasion prove to roast apples with cinnamon, lemon instead of throw, as they say the authors of the blog. We doubled the quantities but I put the originals. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe.
3 blocks
of 100g butter 125g
of sugar
The grated rind of ½ lemon 110g
flour 75g cornflour of
1 teaspoon of yeast
4 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar of
1 tablespoon of chocolate powder
Peel apples, cored them and we break into thin slices. we add the juice of 1 lemon and reserve
Put in a bowl 2 eggs with 75g of sugar and grated rind of lemon.
Beat well until mixture is white.
incorporate the softened butter and continue beating until well integrated into the mix.
Mix 100g of flour with 50g of cornstarch and baking powder.
We added gradually to the cream.
Preheat oven to 200 º. Grease pan with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Place dough in pan clay and smoothed.
Spread apples over of the mixture, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and we put the cake in center of oven for 30 minutes.
meantime separate the yolks and whites of remaining eggs.
Beat the egg whites of snow. We
a cream with the egg yolks, remaining sugar and vanilla sugar.
Add the flour, cornstarch and chocolate to the cream and add to egg whites (carefully of we were not down).
extend the pasta of cake on cake and put back in oven for 15 minutes, this time at the top of the oven.
Once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Who Makes The Warmest Socks?
This recipe was one of the incoming New Year, is copied from the blog "Menorcana" is an easy recipe and very rich as well as economic, we use instead of sausage sobrasada dog, because we repeat certain mucho.Nosotros like sauce made the recipe, but the truth is that alone are delicious. The photo is fatal, because I did it with the phone and quickie because I waited at the table, as can the cambiare. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe.
INGREDIENTS 1 eggplant
100 gr. of tender Sobrasada
flour 2 eggs breadcrumbs
honey 6 tablespoons water 6 tablespoons hot paprika
PREPARATION Peel and cut eggplant into thin slices, season and leave half an hour purge
Having a ball sobrasada on each circle and cover with another disc.
breaded with flour, egg, breadcrumbs and fry
Boil the honey with water and pepper and let cool
Fry eggplant and pierce with a skewer simulating a lollipop.
Serve with honey to get wet.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Femalegential Tattooes
This recipe is copied from the blog Robin Food, which works Martin Berasategui, and where they like to say that there is incredible recipes. This, we put a starter on New Year's Eve in shot cups, this very rich, is cheap and easy to make, plus you can take warm, freshly made, as from one day to another, without heating, I right out of the fridge, leave it a while to take the chill out of the fridge and go.
The combination of salmon with creamed potatoes, makes very fine taste is, in my opinion is perfect as a starter, in small amounts, because a plate of this cream, to me, I would be very heavy, but that is a matter of taste. In my house like a lot, even those who do not like smoked salmon, cream charm them. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe, the photo, I know that is horrible, but it was with a cell phone that night, and about dinner. and
80 g smoked salmon 500 g of potatoes
1 onion 30 g butter salt
g of whole milk Salt and pepper PREPARATION
Place the potatoes in a pan salt water, bring to a boil and cook until it can pass easily with the tip of a knife.
Peel and cut into dice 1.5 cm.
Peel the onions (I use an onion) dipped in oil, and cut into slices. (To chop the onion is getting into a bowl and add oil, mix well to wet out the onion and thrown into the pot to poach)
Poach in the pan.
Add the diced potatoes and leave 3 minutes. Browse
milk, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and let cook for 12 minutes. After
, blend with blender and mount with butter. (While add the butter is churned, not margarine)
Cut the salmon into small pieces.
Pour the soup into 4 glasses, into the center of some layers of smoked salmon.