This recipe is copied from the blog "requetechupete Recipes" is a rich stew, my meat was a bit harsh I think it is because I had very little fire, but the flavor was very sabrocita, thanks for sharing the recipe, I did half of these amounts because we were only two, but I put the recipe recipe as it is in his blog. INGREDIENTS
- ky
- 1 through stewing beef
- 3 onions 3 cloves garlic 5 carrots
- 10 medium potatoes 8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 / 2 l
- Guinness 250 ml beef broth
- 4 tomates
- 2 hojas de laurel
- 4 cucharadas de harina de trigo
- Sal y pimienta negra (al gusto)
- Preparamos la carne. Salpimentamos y pasamos por harina. Reservamos.
- Pelamos los ajos y picamos muy finamente.
- Calentamos el aceite en añadimos el ajo y doramos un minuto a fuego lento.
- Cuando el ajo esté dorado echamos la carne. Marcamos los trozos de ternera hasta que queden bien dorados y veremos que empezará a soltar parte de su jugo. Retiramos la carne a un bol y reservamos.
- Picamos las cebollas en juliana, ie, elongated thin strips about 4 inches long and about the thickness as thin as possible (2 to 3 mm). Fry onions in same oil where doramos meat for about 10 minutes over low heat.
- Peel the potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. Cut the potatoes into cubes breaking them so that they release all their starch, carrots, sliced \u200b\u200bas thinly as possible and tomatoes into quarters.
- add first the onion, carrots and stir fry everything well with a wooden spoon, mixing the flavors. We cook the carrots for 5 minutes before adding the remaining ingredients.
- Enter the potatoes and stir everything together the ingredients and flavors. Add the tomato and repeat the process.
- When the sauce is golden add the chopped beef and Guinness cast. Add the bay leaves and salt and pepper rectify. Let reduce slightly, about 10-15 minutes over medium heat to remove part of alcohol and give the stew a touch sweet.
- top with the beef broth. We cooked over low heat until the liquid reduces and the meat is tender, about 2 hours. It is important to remove from time to time it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
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