Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Repairing Tarnished Mirror

Marzipan quince filling

This recipe was part of the assortment of Christmas cookies we made this year. This copied from the blog "Sweet Cotton", thanks for sharing the recipe. We doubled the recipe as usual but I put that which is its author in her blog. Ingredients

  • 200 grs
  • ground almonds 200 g icing sugar
  • 2 tablespoons white wine, water, sweet wine
  • 2 egg whites, lightly beaten
  • a little lemon zest

  • quince

In a bowl mix the ground almonds, sugar, two tablespoons of liquid and clear. We can start by adding half of the whites, to finish adding the rest if the mass is so required.
Let the whole mix, helping hands, until all ingredients are perfectly integrated. If the resulting mass is very hard, add more clear, and if the contrary is more squishy, \u200b\u200badd some more sugar.
let rest in a covered container with plastic wrap, at least a couple of hours before use. Is perfectly preserved in the refrigerator tightly covered.
marzipan ready now. Now we have just the desired shape
I pull the marzipan, which fill the quince paste and wrap it on itself, like a cylinder. so that once they are made taquitos.

with marzipan formed, we only brush with remaining egg mixture, arrange in a dish on baking paper and preheat oven to 180 degrees, bake unos 10 minutos o hasta que la superficie se ponga dorada.
Al retirarlos del horno espolvoreamos con azĂșcar glass y a disfrutarlos.


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