Sunday, March 27, 2011

Xterra Roof Rack Off Road Lights

HOME Apple Cake Lollipops

Recipe is copied from the blog "My Sister's Kitchen" and coincidences of life, my sister did Radiel, I am very good, very easy to do, besides the contrast with the cocoa cake is very good, on another occasion prove to roast apples with cinnamon, lemon instead of throw, as they say the authors of the blog. We doubled the quantities but I put the originals. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe.


3 blocks

of 100g butter 125g

of sugar

The grated rind of ½ lemon 110g


flour 75g cornflour of

1 teaspoon of yeast

4 eggs

1 tablespoon vanilla sugar of

1 tablespoon of chocolate powder



Peel apples, cored them and we break into thin slices. we add the juice of 1 lemon and reserve


Put in a bowl 2 eggs with 75g of sugar and grated rind of lemon.

Beat well until mixture is white.

incorporate the softened butter and continue beating until well integrated into the mix.

Mix 100g of flour with 50g of cornstarch and baking powder.

We added gradually to the cream.

Preheat oven to 200 º. Grease pan with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Place dough in pan clay and smoothed.

Spread apples over of the mixture, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and we put the cake in center of oven for 30 minutes.

meantime separate the yolks and whites of remaining eggs.

Beat the egg whites of snow. We

a cream with the egg yolks, remaining sugar and vanilla sugar.

Add the flour, cornstarch and chocolate to the cream and add to egg whites (carefully of we were not down).

extend the pasta of cake on cake and put back in oven for 15 minutes, this time at the top of the oven.

Once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Makes The Warmest Socks?

This recipe was one of the incoming New Year, is copied from the blog "Menorcana" is an easy recipe and very rich as well as economic, we use instead of sausage sobrasada dog, because we repeat certain mucho.Nosotros like sauce made the recipe, but the truth is that alone are delicious. The photo is fatal, because I did it with the phone and quickie because I waited at the table, as can the cambiare. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe.

INGREDIENTS 1 eggplant
100 gr. of tender Sobrasada

flour 2 eggs breadcrumbs

honey 6 tablespoons water 6 tablespoons hot paprika

PREPARATION Peel and cut eggplant into thin slices, season and leave half an hour purge
Having a ball sobrasada on each circle and cover with another disc.
breaded with flour, egg, breadcrumbs and fry
Boil the honey with water and pepper and let cool
Fry eggplant and pierce with a skewer simulating a lollipop.

Serve with honey to get wet.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Femalegential Tattooes

sobrasada Shots eggplant with cream potatoes with smoked salmon Martin Berasategui

This recipe is copied from the blog Robin Food, which works Martin Berasategui, and where they like to say that there is incredible recipes. This, we put a starter on New Year's Eve in shot cups, this very rich, is cheap and easy to make, plus you can take warm, freshly made, as from one day to another, without heating, I right out of the fridge, leave it a while to take the chill out of the fridge and go.
The combination of salmon with creamed potatoes, makes very fine taste is, in my opinion is perfect as a starter, in small amounts, because a plate of this cream, to me, I would be very heavy, but that is a matter of taste. In my house like a lot, even those who do not like smoked salmon, cream charm them. Thank you very much for sharing the recipe, the photo, I know that is horrible, but it was with a cell phone that night, and about dinner. and


80 g smoked salmon 500 g of potatoes

1 onion 30 g butter salt
g of whole milk Salt and pepper PREPARATION

Place the potatoes in a pan salt water, bring to a boil and cook until it can pass easily with the tip of a knife.

Peel and cut into dice 1.5 cm.
Peel the onions (I use an onion) dipped in oil, and cut into slices. (To chop the onion is getting into a bowl and add oil, mix well to wet out the onion and thrown into the pot to poach)

Poach in the pan.
Add the diced potatoes and leave 3 minutes. Browse

milk, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and let cook for 12 minutes. After

, blend with blender and mount with butter. (While add the butter is churned, not margarine)
Cut the salmon into small pieces.
Pour the soup into 4 glasses, into the center of some layers of smoked salmon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Color Clothing Looks Best On Brown Skin?

Basic Cooking Techniques Workshop ... : To cook for themselves at home, in a practical and simple. Fully participatory Hartnell 4 sessions in small groups to ensure personal attention.

When: APRIL 2011.

More information through .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hynix Compatibility Chart

Scalloped Potatoes (Maui Scalloped Potatoes)

This recipe is copied from the blog Mundorecetas, the Mozadeprau hung, apparently is the recipe for a Disney World restaurant, Restaurant Ohana. It is an easy recipe to make and very delicious, thank you very much for sharing, this was one of the fittings that we put on New Year's Eve, and were very rich, made double quantities, but the recipe I put this as he hung it . I apologize for the picture because it was night and use the phone were horrible so what I always say about the repeat, I will change the photos.

INGREDIENTS 4 medium sized potatoes
1-1/2 cups heavy cream (I use cream)
1 / 4 cup Cheddar cheese (I used a mixture of cheddar, gouda and emmenthal)
2 tablespoons parmesan cheese (I grated Grana Padano Mercadona) 1 medium onion, sweet
, thinly sliced \u200b\u200b1 teaspoon salt

1 / 2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon butter

1 bunch chopped chives

PREPARATION Preheat oven to 200 º. Wash the potatoes in cold water and thoroughly cleaned.
Verter crema de leche en un bol grande.
Cortar las patatas, en rodajas no demasiado gruesas.
Añadir las patatas al bol y echar en la crema de leche hasta que cada una esté recubierta de crema.
Añadir el queso cheddar, queso parmesano, cebolla, sal y pimienta negra al bol
Mezcle todos los ingredientes hasta que se mezcle uniformemente.
Engrasar un molde con mantequilla.
Añadir el contenido del bol en el molde engrasado.
Cocer en el horno durante 1 hora y 30 minutos.
Retirar las patatas del horno y dejar reposar 5 minutos.