Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Interest Letter For A Service Sorority

Tomorrow I have the first review and, as always, I can think of better things to do than study, I could get to tidy the room, going to buy something for dinner or even wash my dog. But no! I will do anything more stupid, and that is, reading the notes I found something very strange that I do not know where it comes from or how he had not read before.
are some "questions" from the first part of the examination questions by saying what you put in the title but I see no question mark. Step

transcribe the "questions" that are most stoked I have left:

"Young people are in contact more body than older people. "(The youth ... do you like the touch ...)

" Women was received with 2 kisses, but not usually the man "(everyone knows that" women "is more affectionate)

" Near normally a person has more physical with his brother in the head "(?)
" Hail Latino raising his head, duck head Oriental "(Here again I have nothing to say)

"The means of communication are made in election campaigns." (What have you been clear, if you want to do as a means of communication last thing you do is go there)

"Television is more creative, because it is more subjective than other means of communication . ( Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja )

And best of all:

" Marriage is more body contact some roommates. " (Where it goes) Coming

more. Goodbye.


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