few weeks ago I saw a program on TV medical guidance on how to act in case of burns.
In particular, spent a few ideas to the burns can be caused when we are cooking.
Against all know what I thought ... is the use of clean, cold water the best advice we can apply immediately.
Although this entry is not a paper medical record just what I did when I unfortunately disrraida be burned in the kitchen.
say .. for being distracted, because with all the best recommendation is CAUTION, be aware of what we do, but if it happens that we splashed hot oil, or take a handle of a hot pan etc. These are the tips from this program and following the indicaicones saw Dr. respondent did and it worked fine:
That NO do if quemadira in the kitchen:
* DO NOT use toothpaste or on the skin vonagre been hurt. This could then be a complication in the treatment or cure of the wound.
* NO NEVER puncture wound in case this becomes a bubble. this could infect the wound and make things worse.
* Do not apply tomato or any other food on the wound.
* DO NOT put cotton on the wound. this might stick! I need not explain what it is!. In any case, sterile dressing.
What can we do should burn in the kitchen :
* Apply cold water immediately and clean the wound . Run water for 5 to 10 minutes, until you feel the pain.
* Faced with a major burn, that is, we already see that it is only superficial, after applying the water, as I said above, drinking water, half cup, and as soon as possible go to a hospital.
Finally, it is clear that the intensity of the burn as the size of affected area to determine if you only implement and / or drinking water would be sufficient, or must go to hospital, but more important is the NO hurt but the injury and not using medication.
wise I have always respected the culture of the remedies home, but in this case, I put aside the use of vinegar and other things to, and she came to water in the already twice happened to me since I saw the program.
hope I do not even think ... But record my experience here.