Sunday, December 14, 2008

Difference Between Indian And Pakistani Wedding

milled Corn Masa

I Corn white hulled, and she caught an old challenge and stayed for a delicious arepas and of course hallacas a basis for more than native, spoke of working with milled CORN , as grandmothers times when there was no ground corn meal industrially precooked and packaged ready for export in the yellow bag provided, and that was by 1960!.

Here are some secrets that took the internet and what my grandmother explained to my grandmother and my mother as a child, yes you have to work a little but no more than when some of us take time to make sushi or paella at home, so get to work and to rescue this tradition:

For half a kilo of prepared dough you need:

  • 500 grams of white milled Corn (grain)

  • 2 or 3 liters of water

  • salt to taste

Steps for PREVIOUS day to prepare the dough:

  1. Clean a little corn of those spots that are not so pretty.

  2. Place in large pot covered with water twice

  3. Soak at least 12 hours.

Steps for cooking:

  1. Cooking corn soaked the day before to fire first and then top half, so that the pot receives heat evenly.

  2. If necessary, stir every once in a while to ensure that all the grains are cooked

  3. If the water evaporates, add more water, but hot.

  4. takes 45 min. 1 hour cooking, should be tender.

Steps to prepare the dough:

  1. Lower grains of fire and removed 1 / 4 or 1 / 2 of the hot cooking

  2. Refill the pot where the beans are cool enough water to cover

  3. Let there at least 4 hours to cool down.

  4. well
    Strain the liquid and drain the beans when you are kneading.

  5. In grain mill, grind the corn cooked and chilled;

  6. With the mass obtained, complete the kneading by hand, with a little salt and water, achieving a smooth texture !

Listo !; finalmente obtienes una muy blanca y de particular sabor masa para hacer arepas o con los cambios pertinentes, para hacer hallacas !

El molino para granos made in Colombia, asi como el maiz pilado blanco o amarillo no son tan dificiles de encontrar, y de veras pienso vale la pena tomarse el tiempo para esta experiencia, que en mi caso en este momento, ha sido muy importante. Gracias, y buen provecho.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Go Kart With Motorcycle Transmission


Time: 45 minutes.


18 slices of bread,

1 / 2 liter of milk, 2 eggs


sugar, flour


cinnamon ,



Preparación :

En un cazo se calienta la leche con cinco cucharadas de azúcar y un palo de canela; antes de que llegue a hervir se retira y se vierte sobre las rebanadas de pan dispuestas en una fuente, dejándolas en remojo por espacio de media hora.

Transcurrido este tiempo, se rebozan en harina y huevo batido y se fríen en abundante aceite caliente. Cuando estén doradas, se escurren y se pasan a una fuente, donde se espolvorean con azúcar y canela en polvo. Se sirven calientes, pudiendo adornarse con cordones de crema pastelera.