Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bazilian Wax With Hemmroids

Caracas 2009 .... Neighbourhood

Lejania Neighbourhood is the theme for the VIII International Exhibition of Food , SIG Caracas 2009.

spaces Metropolitan University will again stage for the gastronomic event of the year.

Chef as Mercedes Oropeza and Eduardo Moreno, and Juan Carlos Bruzual Bakery Chef, with his talent and creativity we are waiting for Venezuela, and of course, international figures, this time, Maria Isabel Mijares, special guest Heston Blumenthal and Nicolas Joly!

From 5 to 8 November is the date, so watch for the schedule to give a privileged place in this event on our agenda.

This is the link official site , where the depth of the program, INFORMATION To purchase tickets, and more!

in contact.