Sunday, April 19, 2009

Topless And Bottomless Women Fit

Integrals with Zero sugar Flax ...! Corn Arepas

a matter of marketing or to anticipate regulations bar the use of the term "light" food, since 2005 in U.S. carbonated soft drink marketed by Coca-Cola Zero , referring this zero the absence or contendo zero sugar.

was finally this week I could try and check the label; to compare the ingredients of Coca-Cola Light and Coca-Cola Zero found no difference, both can be as chemical or hazardous ... re as tasty or frescantes, as the consumer wishes to accept, because the ingredients are still present zero sugar ...: ASPARTAME And ACESULFAME K as sweeteners.

apparently serious in the proportion of this combination of sweeteners in lies the difference on the final flavor, which in the case of Zero is really more like the taste of Coca-Cola as Normal our own experience.

Away from the controversies of the use of cyclamate sodium as a sweetener (which is not on the labels of the version of our market and not if you stay somewhere else) or whether Coca-Cola is less harmful the coffee in their contendo of caffeine, or whether it is safe or not in states of obesity or diabetes, the zero now available with strong but soft look of calories in favor of a zero trend sugar unnatural and questionable nutritional value that should matter far more, but the choice is as always at the end ... to consumer tastes.
updated in June 2009: The controversy of the use of sodium cyclamate was not too far, the Venezuelan government has ordered to remove the Zero considering our market the damaging effect of the sweet substance in the human organidsmo. Cyclamate (which was not indicated on the label), if he was in the drink, leaving even more questions and not only on carbonated drinks but about the ethics of their producers, which is a matter that exceeds a label lĂ­imite of this or another of its new !.